Coharie Lodge #379 of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons

976 Autryville Road, Salemburg, NC 28385


Stated Meetings

Second and Fourth Thursdays at 7:30 pm.

Grand Master's Visit

The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons of North Carolina will visit Coharie Lodge #379 on February 27th. We will have a barbecue supper at 6:00 pm followed by our meeting at 7:00 pm. Cost to eat will be $10. Please joins us as we receive the Grand Master!

Group Discussion Email List

I have created a Google Group as an email based discussion list for us to contact each other, post news, announcements and discuss issues among the brethren. Please join the list, by clicking the following link and entering your email address:!forum/coharie379/join. Once you've joined you can send emails to the list by addressing them to You can read responses sent to the list in your regular email browser, on the web at or in the embedded web forum on this website: Email List Web Forum.